UK-Based Consulting Firm: Inclusive Learning and Leadership Development


We were approached by a UK-based consulting firm that specialises in strategic executive alignment and transformation, delivered through story-driven experiences starting from the c-suite through to all levels of leadership and employees.

However, a surge in demand triggered by the pandemic prompted the client to engage Michael Mauro from 2021-2022 to help them deliver and evolve their service offering.

How We Helped

In partnership with the business’ leadership team and client groups, we designed and delivered a wide range of inclusive learning and leadership development services that complemented the consultancy’s pre-existing portfolio of strategy activation tools.

This included:

Inclusive Leadership Behaviour Sessions & Activities

Leveraging storytelling as a vehicle to deliver change, Michael Mauro designed a bespoke and inspiring inclusive leadership behaviours session for the top leadership team for one of England’s most prestigious brands.

This brand was on a mission to create a diverse and inclusive workforce that celebrated and promoted equity at every touch point. Michael Mauro designed self-reflection and future-proofing leadership behaviours activities, which intimately helped the top leadership team cascade new and inclusive ways of working across the company’s 5,000 employees.

Inclusive Employee Experiences

Building off the storytelling framework that had been traditionally used, Michael Mauro supported the design of brand-new services. Specifically, Michael Mauro helped the business meet the uptick in client demand for comprehensive employee value proposition solutions that reflected the demand for new inclusive employee experiences.


The Results

Working closely with the Founders, Head of Product, Consulting and Creative, Michael Mauro contributed to the development of a roadmap that was sold to numerous customers and experienced by 10,000s of employees around the world.

Feedback from these sessions and activities was incredibly positive and we helped the brand consult with their clients and tell more powerful and inclusive stories.

Brands We’ve Worked With

If you’re looking to embrace DE&I strategies in your organisation, then check out our
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultancy and coaching services.

If workplace wellbeing is something you care deeply about, then find out how we effectively upskilled a travel giant’s leaders on this important subject at a 400+ in-person annual conference in our case study.

Free Resources

Check out our cabinet of curiosities for helpful and free DEI, HR, and leadership development resources!