Leadership and Executive Assessments

Uncover the hidden talent within your organisation through our expert-led leadership assessment consultancy.

Your organisation is full of talent. It’s our job to help you find it. 

With our leadership and executive assessments, we’ll give you a clear birds-eye view of the talent and the potential in your organisation available to you right now.


Why are Leadership Assessments Important?

Leadership assessments, also known as executive assessments, are part of a methodology used to evaluate your employees’ leadership skills, knowledge, and abilities.

They provide an objective and in-depth understanding of the impact your leaders have on your business, alongside their strengths and opportunities for development. Ultimately, leadership assessments provide your talent with a clearly defined roadmap for unlocking their true potential that they can approach with laser-sharp focus.

Most businesses will already be sitting on an untapped vein of talent that can be mined and moulded into the leaders of tomorrow. As leadership experts, we’re here to help you do just that.

Our Leadership Assessment Services

At Michael Mauro, we always personalise our leadership assessment services. We know that context is key, so our assessments never lose sight of your strategic objectives while also keeping in mind that all your employees are unique – and that includes their hidden capabilities.

Using inductive, numerical, and verbal reasoning, personality assessments, assessment and development centres as well as verbal 360-degree surveys, we’ll provide you with clear and insightful development reports that will transform your organisation’s future leaders. Our main objectives are to help your team understand their current competencies, and how they can effectively shift mindsets in themselves and those around them.

We’ll even follow up with you after everything is set in motion to make sure change is happening, and that you are getting a return on your investment.


Our bespoke leadership assessments can be done face-to-face, through virtual, or blended learning and can include:

✓ Future leader identification

✓ HiPo (High Potential) programme design

✓ Succession planning

✓ One-on-one and group coaching

✓ Support new role onboarding

✓ Curriculum design

✓ ROI analysis

✓ Culture change and transformation 

✓ Capability/competency frameworks

Global People Development Consultancy

Find out how we supported a global consulting firm in deploying bespoke leadership development assessments and development interventions across The Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific.

Take the first steps to transforming your leaders of tomorrow by getting in touch today.

Free DEI, HR & Leadership Development Resources

Here you will find a treasure trove of free resources! We believe that everyone deserves access to top-quality DEI, HR, and leadership development supplies - and that’s exactly what you’ll find.

Our resources are designed to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of workplace culture and leadership. Whether you’re looking to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace, develop your leadership pipeline, or upgrade your HR game, we’ve got you covered.

So go ahead, explore our resources, and discover new ways to elevate your HR and leadership teams. And if you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out - we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Make sure you’re not falling behind & get the low-down on how leadership & workplaces are evolving with our latest insights.